Truth Growth Seminar Syllabus
8:00 – Introductions. Understanding your interpersonal style and introduction to the Seasons of Growth and True Growth Model
Goal: Identify the four interpersonal styles as well as understand how to best relate to each of them. Leaders will complete an Interpersonal Style Assessment to determine their interpersonal style. This exercise will identify a key inhibitor to social fitness – communicating with different styles and how to relate to them.
9:40 – Values: The Core To Your Success
Goal: Participants understand the value of possessing clear personal values.
10:50 – Behaviors: Bringing Your Values To Life
Goal: Understand the value and benefits of exercising a set of behaviors to put
values into daily practice.
11:30 – Lunch
12:00 – Living Honestly With Humility
Goal: Expand the understanding of the role of humility in strengthening personal
relationships and leaving a positive legacy.
1:10 – Managing Energy and Time
Goal: Participants conduct a personal energy assessment. Produce an energy/time
management rhythm that focuses energy by aligning life and professional
priorities with a time management (Important vs. Urgent) matrix that
helps a person measure how he or she uses time; Provide a method to adjust
and measure progress.
2:20 – Life Story
Goal: Understand the crucibles and influencers in our lives that mold our values and
behaviors; define crucibles, significant events/influencers; discuss the importance
of reflecting on the past; review steps in creating a life story graph.
3:00 – Your Purpose
Goal: Leaders share at their table one crucible or significant event in their life; draft
a personal purpose statement; complete their True Growth Model.
4:30 – Complete
Leadership Workshop Registration Sign-Up
Sign up above or request more information, the point of contact at TBS Performance is Sandra Escalante, (254) 853-4410 or